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Monday, January 30, 2012

Simile vs. Metaphor

We have been talking about using similes and metaphors to describe people and things in a different way. For this blog post, I would like you to choose something to describe, and then use both similes and a metaphors to describe it. You may discover that one is easier than the other.

Here's an example to get you started...

The toddler was like an octopus, pullng things off every shelf.

The toddler was a three-ring circus, going in every direction at once.

Remember to include your first name or initals when you post your comment.


Anonymous said...

The beach is like a spa, very relaxing.

The beach is heaven on earth.

By Graham

Anonymous said...

Nadal is a lion on the tennis court in the Australian Open Semifinal.
Nadal is like a lion on the tennis court in the Australian Open Semifinal.

Anonymous said...

Metaphor: Life is bag of M&M’s, you never know what you are going to get.
Simile: Life is like a bag of M&M’s , you never know what you are going to get.
The simile was easier to come up with the, and the metaphor was more difficult.

Anonymous said...

My dog is a black Labrador Retriever and Mastiff mix. She is as big as a barn. She is a bulldozer and knocks down everything in her path. Her bark is as loud as Thunder. Her fur is as black as the night sky. When she licks me, the slobber on her tongue is like drops of slime. When she pants, she sounds like Darth Vader. I love having Zoe for my dog.

Anonymous said...

My brother is like a frog, jumping around on the trampoline.

My brother was a fish, swimming around in the pool.

Anonymous said...

I was as bald as a cue ball when
I born.

When I a baby you could see the reflection off my head from space.

The simile was easier. Kirk