
Our class blog is a great place to share ideas, respond to questions, and participate in discussions.

Please treat each other with respect and courtesy when responding.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Aesop's Fables

This week, we are reading a story about fables and proverbs. Fables have been used for many generations to teach important lessons. One of the most famous creators of fables, is a man named Aesop, who was a slave in Ancient Greece.

For this blog post, I would like you to use this link to access an online collection of his fables. Read a few, and then choose one you would like to respond to, or want to share with the class.

Include a brief summary of the fable, and the lesson that was taught. Also, if you have heard a similar story, or someone has tried to teach you the same lesson, you might want to tell about that as well.

Be sure to include your initials in your reply.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Paul Revere - An American Hero

We have spent several days reading about and discussing Paul Revere. We have also discussed character traits that many of our "heroes" share in common (diligence, courage, leadership, respect for authority, patriotism, willingness to speak out, etc...)

For this blog post, I would like you to choose 3 of Paul Revere's character traits and give an example of how he used each trait to help him succeed or to help others. Include specific details in your response, and please remember to include your first name or initials.

Responses are due by Friday, Dec. 16

Your post will be evaluated on the following:
1. Complete, well-written sentences
2. Appropriate examples to support your ideas
3. Answering the question
4. Conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Think about different events, holidays, and occasions that you celebrate with your family. For this blog post, I would like you to write about a special celebration you share with your family.

Please describe what you do, where you go, what you eat, and anything else you'd like us to know. You might want to tell us about any special tradition, or how your family started a new tradition. I encourage you to talk to your parents or grandparents about the celebration to see how your family has kept the traditions.

To help you get started, think about birthdays, holidays, important events, or other times you have celebrated with your family. Choose one and brainstorm details that tell about the celebration.

Write your post as an informational paragraph, including a main idea, supporting details, and a strong conclusion. Be sure to include your first name or initials.

Please post your reply by Friday, Dec. 9