
Our class blog is a great place to share ideas, respond to questions, and participate in discussions.

Please treat each other with respect and courtesy when responding.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Family Traditions

Friday is our last day of school before a much needed winter break. Some of you may be taking a trip to visit relatives, others may stay home but enjoy family traditions and celebrations. In your response, I'd like you to share what you'll be doing over the break.

Your responses needs to include details (where you go, who you see, and what you do), and needs to be written in complete sentences (with attention to editing).

Please remember to include your initials so we know who does what.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Too Hot to Handle

During the next two weeks we will explore heat (yes, I realize it is 20 degrees outside). For this blog, I would like you to research some heat-related appliances you use everyday at school and at home. Talk with your parents about the heating unit for your home. Does it run on electricity or gas? What is the thermostat? What do you do at home to help conserve heat?

Write your responses to these questions in your blog reply post. Feel free to share other information how learned.

Please remember to include your initials in your blog reply.

Thank you

Friday, November 7, 2008

The whole rock, and nothing but the rock

We've already learned that there are 3 types of rocks - sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. This week you will be a geologist and will have to test and identify different types of rocks. Spend some time researching different rocks and use the information you find to reply to this post. You may also want to review the information on these websites:

Identifying Rocks and Minerals

Your reply must include the following information to receive full credit:

1. Your initials
2. The name of your rock (example: granite, limestone, etc)
3. What type of rock is it? (sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous)
4. What minerals are in your rock?
5. Describe your rock: hardness, color, shape, texture
Bonus: If you have an example of the rock you are writing about, use the tests we learned about to identify your rock and its characteristics. All of the testing materials are available on the science table.
Replies are due by Tuesday, November 25

Friday, October 31, 2008

We Rock!

This week we will begin our science unit on Rocks and Soil, and we will start our next SEM unit on dinosaurs and fossils.

To get you started on our "rocking" adventure, I'd like you to think about different rocks you have found (and maybe even kept). How would you describe them, sort them, or classify them? Try to use words that describe the texture, density, hardness, and coloring of the rock. Try to avoid words like "big", "heavy", or "cool".

In your reply to this post, please list 15-20 words that could be used to describe, sort, or classify different kinds of rocks. We'll be using your lists to help us as we begin our rock collections so think about your choices carefully.

Please remember your initials at the end of your reply. Please post your reply by Friday, Nov. 7th so you can get full credit.

Thank you

Sunday, October 26, 2008

If you were the president...

We've spent several weeks talking about our government and the responsibilities of our nation's leaders. Think about what you've learned and respond to this post:

If you were the new president, what would you do first to help the citizens or country?

Be sure to include details explaining how you would accomplish your goals, and tell why you think this goal would be important for our country.

Please include your initials at the end of your reply. Your reply is due by Friday to earn full credit.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Service Animals

In our story this week, "Rosie, the Visiting Dog", we learn about how one dog helps people. Think about what Rosie does in the story and why she does it.

List at least 5 things dogs (or another service animal) can do to help people. Be sure to explain how the animal's training helps people.

For example, training a dog to pull on a rope can help someone open a door because you can tie a piece of rope to a door for the dog to pull so it opens the door for someone who can't do it for themselves.

Don't forget your initials.

Thank you

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

World Famous Paleontologists

You are a member of a famous paleontology team who has just discovered a dinosaur bone! The Paleontology Society has asked you to write about your search and recovery of such an amazing fossil for their monthly newsletter. Remember, this is a well-respected publication so spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and the accuracy of your facts are important.

You need to use at least 3 singular nouns, 3 plural nouns, 3 pronouns, and 2 proper nouns. Make sure you put your initials (for each member of the group) at the end of your article.

Remember, the editors are very picky and will not publish anything that is not correct. You may want to write your article on paper first so your group can edit and revise before you post your article to the blog

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall Writing

Write a descriptive sentence of at least 10 words in length describing fall. Think about leaves changing color, animals preparing for winter, or weather and activities related to the season.

When writing your sentence, consider using a compound subject or predicate, and adjectives and adverbs.

The sentences will be judged, and awards will be given to the most creative, descriptive, and longest sentences.

Please post your sentence by Friday, September 26, and don't forget your initials.

Thank you

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Interrogate your teacher

Use interrogative sentences to ask your teacher questions. Only correctly written posts will be published, so make sure you edit your work.

Don't forget to include your initials in your post.

Thank you


Can you decide the mystery word to answer these riddles? 

Write your riddles, be careful not to give away the answer. Include your initials at the bottom of your post.

Thank you

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Natural Resources

People use many natural resources every day. Choose one natural resource and list how people use it. Be specific in your explanation.

Don't forget your initials.

Thank you

Friday, August 22, 2008

Olympics, Part 2

Imagine you are a reporter who is attending the Olympics. Choose an Olympic event from the 2008 Games to research. Write a brief summary of the event, include details about the sport and the athletes, and give the results of the event.

You should complete this activity by yourself (please remember to include your initials).

Please submit your reply (use anonymous) by September 3.

Thank you

Monday, August 18, 2008


The Olympic Games have been extremely exciting this year, and will be over soon. Our first Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) unit will focus on the history of the Olympic games. Work with your technology group to research the Olympic games.

Task #1
Each member of the team needs to write a descriptive paragraph about an Olympic sport, include information about the origin of the game, famous players, and important details about the sport.

Show your rough copy to the editor before you post your reply.

Thank you

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Guiding Phrase

Ms. Perlman has asked that we think about an appropriate "guiding phrase" for our school.

A "guiding phrase" is a short phrase (3-7 words) that describes our school and our learning goals. Think about what MPE means to you. Talk about this with your classmates, your friends, and parents.

Please post your suggestions to our class blog, and remember to use your initials to identify yourself.

Thank you

Types of Sentences

With your group, write a creative story using the 4 types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, command, and exclamation). Your story needs to have a beginning, middle, and end. Everyone in your group should work together to complete this post.

When you have yours complete, please type your group members initials at the bottom and submit as anonymous.

Thank you

Friday, August 8, 2008

How I spent my summer vacation ...

My summer was extremely busy and not at all relaxing. I worked on math activities for school, finished another semester of graduate school, and created some new technology projects for our class. Meg and I did go to the beach for a day - she loves splashing in the waves and digging in the sand. My friend from Texas came to visit, and we played golf for a week in Auburn, Alabama. 

What did you do this summer?