Welcome to 2009! Many of you traveled over the winter break, and I hope that you had a wonderful time visiting with your friends and families. For those of you who stayed home, I hope you were able to relax and have fun.
I'd like you to think about your goals for the remainder of the school year. What would you like to learn or accomplish before the summer break?
Please respond to this blog post and share your goals or resolutions for the school year. Please remember to include your initials so you can receive credit for the post. Your post is due by the end of the school day on Friday, January 9.
Thank you
What I would like to accomplish is to get all A's on my report card. Also, I would like to learn things that will help me learn harder math in the future. My goals for this school year are to
hopfully pass all my health tests.
This year I am trying to get better grades in school. I am alos trying to take my time on my work.
This year my goal is to get all A's on my report card. So that means I have to consentrate on my work. Also to have a happy new year!!
This year I would love to get an A+ in math. Also,I want to get straight A's and would love to go to 4th grade but first I must pass the crct.I want to be able to listen better.I also,want to understand alot by Ms.Creagh. MG
Things I want to accomplish are getting good grades.Another thing I want to accomplish is getting better at reading test.
My resolutions for this year are to get all A's on my report card, get a Wii, make Kyle laugh, and HAVE FUN!!!!!!
my resolotionsis to do better in school, do more sports ,and get my pine wood derby kit done.a goal I have is to save my money for new skateboard.
Things I want to accomplish are getting good grades, and getting better at reading tests.
I would like to get all A's on my rurport card this mooth.cch
I would like to do better on everything and get all A's on my report card.And learn more stuff.
I will try to get bater grades and get all A's in school.
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