
Our class blog is a great place to share ideas, respond to questions, and participate in discussions.

Please treat each other with respect and courtesy when responding.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Memorable Moments #3

What is a "good" teacher?

Think about teachers you've known who have been effective. What did they do or say to the class (or to you in particular) that made a positive difference? What traits or characteristics do "good" teachers have? What should "good" teachers do or say to their students to help them succeed? How should "good" teachers interact with their students?

Please include your group name in your reply.

Due Friday, August 14


Anonymous said...

A good teatcher is nice and doesn`t send you to the prinsipal`s office very much.

the mighty roller coaster kids

Anonymous said...

A good teacher is very nice.A good teacher sets a good example.Teachers are fun and helpful. A teacher is neat. A teacher never yells. BUCKEYES

Anonymous said...

1.A good teacher is nice,calm and dosen,t give alot of homework.JLS

Anonymous said...

Doesn"t give much homework.
DOesn't scream much.
IS very nice.
Does fun stuff.
Gives prizes.

Anonymous said...

good teather helps thare stodents whiht homewrock.the great grope MAX