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Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm a consumer

This past week we've been talking about economics, consumers, and producers.

For this blog, I'd like you to share a time when you were a consumer. Please include details about the item you purchased or used, the choices you had to make, and how you made your decision.

Please include your initials in your reply.


Anonymous said...

One time I went to Publix and saw a 8 pack box of cookies for $5..The cookies were medium size.There was a scarce amount of boxes of 8 pack cookies so I decided to buy them.Then I saw a 21 pack of mini cupacake for $10.I was on a tight budget so I decided to get the cookies because I had to pay less currency. I bought them and I belived I got the better deal. EWW

Anonymous said...

One time I went to Target to buy a new toy I was thinking about buying something electric but my BUGDET was low and there wasn't very many of the toy I wanted my dad told me it was SCARCITY. When I went home I looked up the word scarcity. The internet said that the definition of scarcity is that there aren’t enough of the good for every one who wants one. When I saw what it meant I wanted a different toy because the fewer there are in the store the more people want them and they cost more money. L.D.

Anonymous said...

When I was a consumer I went to target and I bought me a DS game there was one that costs 29$ and one that costs 35$ and I was coming for mario cart and the other one was mario party. So I got mario cart.GCM

Anonymous said...

one time in target I had to chouse ice cream for $10 or Cookies for $5. So picted the cookie and got two packes.


Anonymous said...

one time my mom and I needed some gas but we dindn't really need it we were just low so we went to the gas stashaion and there was a scarceidey of gas because the oil spil so we diecided to get some

Anonymous said...

One time their was a scarcity of bakugan. I wanted one but they were all gone. There were plenty of Pokémon in site. I could get a Pokémon that I could get but I wanted a bakugan so I thought about it and I said I’ll get a Pokémon because there are more in a pack, they’re all ones I don’t have and they are cheaper!! JLS

Anonymous said...

One time I went to target® and I had to pick either if I wanted to buy a expencive game that cost $50 or I could buy a game that cost $19 dollars but if I bought the $50 dollard game I wouldn't be able to have another game until sixmonths and if I bought the $10 dollard game I would be able to get another game. So I bought the $19 dollard game so I wouldn't have to wait 6 months for another game.


Anonymous said...

One day I went to the store I had a choice of
A new TV or a video game I chose a video game because there was 1 more TV and it was to small so I got a video game