After reading "How to Eat Fried Worms" you've learned a lot about delicious ways to prepare worms.
For this blog post, I'd like you to create your own worm recipe and share your recipe with the class.
Your recipe needs to include the following information:
1. Ingredients
Including how much of each, use standard or metric measurements, but be sure to include the measurement with the amount. (For example, 1/2 cup, 1/4 teaspoon, a pinch, 1 1/2 quarts, 3 liters, etc...)
2. Steps
Be specific and use cooking terms. You need to include numbers to order the steps. Make sure you include each thing you need to do, do not assume people will know to put something in a pot, or press start.
3. Other information
Include any other information you think someone needs to know (how many servings, breakfast, lunch, dinner, nutritional value, allergy alerts, etc...)
You also need to give your recipe a creative name and include your initials.
Le Worm Shake
Ingrediants: 10 large worms, 2 cups of ice, 1 pint of ice cream (any kind), 2 cups of milk ( it can be soy), chocolate or caramel sauce and whipped cream if you want.
How To
Chop up worms with your knife, take out your blender, Mix all ingrediants together on blend for 1 minute then liquify for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Turn off the blender, pour into a cup ( use spoon if needed), add chocolate or caramel sauce or any other extras if wanted. ENJOY!
L.D., E.W.W., A.L.
Choclate icecream worm suprize
ingredients,1/2 scoops of any flaver icecream, seven 1 inch pices of muffin, nine 5 inch pices of rotten fish, four pices of any size milk choclate,8 pices of 3 inch slices of popsicles, 10 pices of 5 inch snails, four cups of freshly sqezed cow milk, seven 3 centimeter toe nails, 3 spoon fulls of egg youk, . Then you stur the ingredients for 3 minutes and frezeze it for five minutes. Then when its done you heat it for 18 secents in the microwave. Finaly you put 10 boild worms on top.
Emily , Sam , Max
Worm la da recipe CMP
Get one mexiacn style torta.
Then grab a bag of mexiacn four cheese blend.
Next grab two hand fulls of the mexiacn four cheese blend and spread it all around the torta.
For the worm part you need a hand full of worms and spread the torta.
Put the Worm La Da in the microwave for one miunte.
When it os done cooking you can cut it up or don't cut it.
Wormy Coffee
Ingerdints:5-10 worms,Cup, And 1/2 water.
First you get the cup then put 1/2 of water in the cup.Then get 5 or 10 worms and squeeze them in the cup with the water.So that is how you make a worm coffee.
It’z time to make
Ze Floating Worm Cream Sundae
The Directions
A bowl (about 8 inches)
1 cup of Hot Fudge
6 Gummy Worms
1/2 cup Oreo Crumbs
1 Cherry
4 scoops of ice cream (which ever flavor you prefer)
1 can of Orange Crush
1 bottle of whipped cream
3 tablespoons of sprinkles (optional)
1. Lay out the Ingredients
2. Put the fudge in the microwave for 30 seconds
3. Spread ½ cup of hot fudge evenly in the bottom of the bowl
4. Pour in the whole can of Orange Crush
5. Scoop out 3 scoops of ice cream and put them straight in the middle of the bowl (not on top of each other)
6. Put one more scoop on top of the other scoops
7. Now pour the rest of the hot fudge on the ice cream
8. Spray whipped cream all over (about an inch thick)
9. Put 4 tablespoons of sprinkles if you want
10. Finally top it off with a cherry
Worm Pad Thai
You need:
11 gummy worms
Scissors (new)
4 green tootsie rolls
Noodles (no count, just many)
Green frosting
Green sprinkles
Orange frosting
Frosting knife
First, use the scissors to cut the tootsie rolls halfway in half the long way. Next, take the frosting knife and frost the tops of the cut tootsie parts with a glob of green frosting. Next, sprinkle an even amount of green sprinkles on the cut tootsie rolls to create the image of broccoli. Take a humongous amount of orange frosting and spread on the plate with the frosting knife. Next, bathe the noodles in the frosting and plop on plate with gummy worms. Mix around until noodles & worms are firmly adjusted in a tangled matter with spoon. Now that you’re done, take the chopsticks and bon appetite! Here’s your tasty treat! M.A.E. J.L.G. S.L.A.
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