
Our class blog is a great place to share ideas, respond to questions, and participate in discussions.

Please treat each other with respect and courtesy when responding.

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of 3rd Grade

Hopefully you are extremely excited about your first day of 3rd grade. We have a lot to learn this year, and so many cool tools to help us practice our skills.

For your first blog post, you are going to work together in groups to write a response to this blog post. Make sure you read the entire post before you start writing.

For your first blog post, we would like you to write a response to these questions:

1. What makes a good student?

2. What makes a good teacher?

3. What is "quality work"?

4. What are your goals for the school year?

5. Share a memorable moment from school (an activity, lesson, or project that was special or important to you).

A couple of tips to help you get started:

1. If you need to write it on paper first, please do. Some people need to "see" their ideas so writing your ideas on paper might help you think about what you want to say.

2. You might want to type your group's response in a Word document before you paste it into the blog. This way you can check all of your spelling, capitalization, and punctuation and make any corrections easily.

3. Every person in your group needs to contribute to the post. If someone is sitting quietly, ask him or her what he or she would like to add to the group's reply.

4. Do not include your first and last names. You can give your group a name or just use first names.


Anonymous said...

Being respectful and listing.
Listen what your told to do.
Make new friends.
Finish your work.

She gives you what you need.
Try to make you happy while your learning.
She helps you when you need help.
She reads the question out loud to you.

The best work you can do.
Put your name is on your work.
Don’t rush your work.
Concentrate on your work.

Get straight A’s on your report card.
Get a hundred on your spelling test.
Be quiet in the hall way.
Don’t get in trouble.
Science exbo.
The first day of school.
The last day of school.
Paws for reading.

Disco Dinosaurs

Anonymous said...

1. Being respectful, follow the directions, be kind to others, take your time and do not break supplies.
2. Teach you something’s, there very nice, they give you fun projects and they do there jobs right.
3. Turn your work in on time, do your best at all times, take your time,
4. get all a’s, to study more than I usually do , to have a good year and, get a100 on all my spelling test .
5. The first day of kindergarten, ice cream party , open house for third grade, and in second grade we had dominoes pizza

Miss W. said...

Ms Creagh and students,
Thanks for registering your class for the student blogging challenge. I hope you all enjoy the activities and make many new friends by visiting and commenting on blogs written by other students and classes around the world.