We've been learning about maps. We've talked about the parts of a map (legend, scale, lines of latitude and longitude). For this blog post, I'd like you to tell us how people use different kinds of maps.
Use your Junior geographer book to find 3 different kinds of maps. In your reply, tell us the name of the kind of map and how people use it (what does the map show).
Don't forget to include your first name (this is an independent post) - no teams.
Please complete your post by Friday, September 3. I'll be checking for correct information and correct spelling (of words you should know), capitalization, punctuation, and complete sentences.
This blog post is worth 10 points.
People in the world can use all sorts of maps and here are some of the types you can use a road map, political map, and a physical map. Annie
People can use maps to see wear to go . They can use road maps. They can political maps. They can use physical maps. Maps can be used many diffrint ways.Abbey
Maps- maps are a good tiem to use maps is you are on a plan in the car on a train so much more to. So to now a bot the wold map you can use a glod to see the wold but a glod is to big to dring to plases. You can use a road maps is like a glob or the wold map but a road map is a map of the road and wold map is shows hafe of the wold. The glob is a motol of wold. Kate
A map is something that shows pictures of the earth.There are different kinds of maps.There is a road map.A road map gives directions,and highways.There is also a Worldmap.A Worldmap is a picture of the world.There is a globe too.A globe is the closest replica of the earth.
Maps A political map shows states and boundries. I might need a political map if I was driving to another state. A road map shows where to go on the road. I might need a road map to go back to my house. A weather map shows what the weather is. I might need a weather map if I'm going on a trip and want to know what the weather is. Now you've learned about politcal maps, road maps, and weather maps.By Natania
abbey Road maps are used to see were to go. Political is to see a states. Phyical map is used for countries.
People use maps for many different reasons. You would use a political map to find the borders of states, countries and continents. You use a physical map to find different landforms. You use a weather map to find out the weather in different places. A road map shows you different streets.
One type of map is a road map.A road map can help you find a different road like Sandy plains road.Another type of map is a world map.A world map can help you find different parts of the world.A weather map can help you know what kind of weather it will be in different parts of the world.
A world map can help you find different parts of the world. A road map can help you find diferent roads. A weather map can help you know where diferent weather can be.
A weather map can help you When you are travling. It can help you beacauce you can see the weather when you a going on a plane and a car. You can use a other map
A road map shows streets. A political map shows boundries. A phsical map shows mountains. A weather map shows what the weather map shows at that place. You can use all sorts of maps.
By Ford and Blake
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