
Our class blog is a great place to share ideas, respond to questions, and participate in discussions.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ancient Civilization Museum

WOW!!! What a great trip! This morning our class toured 3 world-class museums and learned about 5 different ancient civilizations - without even leaving the school building!

For this blog reply, I would like for your group to share your thoughts, observations, or what you learned from the fabulous presentations.

To help you, here are the names of the different civilizations:

Ancient Greece
Ancient India
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Rome
Ancient China

Please check your spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation before you post your reply.


Anonymous said...

Grace,addison and abbey liked all the musum.In miss.rubin's class we lerned about ancient rome and china. In ancient china we larned that if someone dies they get barrid in the great wall of china.In rome there choins have face,s of there leders.In miss.sceary's class did the Egypt.

Anonymous said...

What we like the best of all the museums is Egypt and Greece. This is one thing that we learned in the museum of Ancient china the thing is the great wall of china is more than one hundred miles long.

Anonymous said...

Today we went to tag students very cool museums. They did so many cool things for us. especily the egypt museum they pulled out fake plastic body parts out of a person. We went to the greece, egypt,rome,india, and china musemums. We think the musmems today were very fun!- Annie,Tim,and Ben

Anonymous said...

In the first museum they had Ancient China the interesting part was the wall of China exhibit . Next it was a two part museum it has Ancient Greece and Ancinent Indian it was very interesting the last thing was Ancient Egyptian.
