
Our class blog is a great place to share ideas, respond to questions, and participate in discussions.

Please treat each other with respect and courtesy when responding.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Memorable Moment #2

What is a "good" student?

What qualities or characteristics do you think a "good" student should have? How does a "good" student act in class? How does he or she work? How would you describe his or her attitude towards learning? Describe the traits of a "good"student.

Please include your group name in your post.

Due Friday, August 14


Anonymous said...

a good student works hard and doesn`t bother the teacher when she/he is working with a student.

the mighty roller coaster kids

Anonymous said...

------------A good steudent listens to the teacher.A student follows directions.A student is helpfull.A student cleans up after him or
her.He or her pushes in the chairs. BUCKEYES

Anonymous said...

when I was at Amelia island I learned all sorts of things like about animals.
I had a lot of fun.

The mighty roller coaster kids

Anonymous said...

A student that follows the teacher's rules.
A student that does not yell in the classroom.
Is nice to everybody.
Does classwork.

Anonymous said...

A good student is a student that does not bother her/him while they are working.JLS